From time to time, news and events come up in our Lutheran circles, and not everyone might be familiar with how our congregation is tied in to a larger church body called Lutheran Church—Canada (LCC), and the terms we use to describe life in our circles. We'll include more info here in the future, but for now, here are a couple pages we've created to explain various aspects of our life together as an LCC congregation.
- Synodical Restructuring (LCC is a Synod, aka a denomination, and we adopted changes to our national structure in 2017 which were fully implemented in January 2019.)
- Colloquy (written around the time Pastor Michael was going through this process in 2012-2013)
- Ordination and Installation (written in May 2013)
- Our Okanagan Circuit (written at the news of an appointment of a new Circuit Counsellor in August 2014)