
Our primary work is gathering for worship to receive God's good gifts to us, and to respond in faith with thanks and praise. Worship is the lifeblood of our church. It's where God comes to meet us as we gather in His name, hear His Word, receive Baptism and the Lord's Supper, and sing, pray, and have fellowship with one another.

Having been fed by God's gifts, we have a vibrant congregational life the rest of the week. Many things happen at our building. But so many things happen outside our building as well, as our people serve their neighbours; this is known as "vocation", where God calls us each into the different roles of our lives: moms, dads, grandparents, students, employees, etc. We serve God as we serve our neighbours in love.

If you're interested in joining us on this journey, welcome! We're working on develop information on the various ministries and groups we have; contact us to find out more. Just a few of our serving teams and groups:

  • Sunday morning Bible study
  • Serving at Worship: Ushers, Music Teams, Tech Teams, Coffee/Fellowship Teams
  • Lutheran Women's Missionary League-Canada (LWMLC)
  • Youth Ministry (Grades 6-12)
  • Monthly Men's Breakfast
  • Seasonal and short-term small group studies
  • Ongoing Christian Caregiving
  • Properties and Building Care